
What is the best programming language? And maybe most of those who want to practice in the world of programming have this question and pursue him in his dreams, he may start to learn a certain programming language and then discover that it was a wrong choice, then try again another language and discover that it is not suitable either, and so it remains going on a closed loop of failed experiments, so I will knock on this subject a set of factors that help you choose the code language that suits you .

In fact, there is absolutely no better programming language than the other, but a programming language that suits you can be determined by a set of parameters: :
What's your software?

Perhaps one of the most important things that help you determine your language is your programming class, programming is divided into two categories either web programming or programming software, you have to determine your personal preferences, do you want to create sites? Or do you want to make programs? And certainly your desire to enter the world of programming was based on a great desire to reach something specific or rather out of a certain wonder, the reason you entered the field of programming may be based on a question : How did Facebook make? Or a question how do you make protection programs? And based on this desire or from this wonder, you can determine your programming class.

If you want to practice web programming, you don't have many options. :

1- Learn HTML and Css
2- Learn one of the php or asp, you learn the asp but in return you have to pay Microsoft to publish your programs otherwise the best is the php because it is simple and beautiful and open source
3- Learn javascripte

But if you want to practice programming programs, follow the next criteria
What is your programming goal?
Your programming goal directly determines the programming language that suits you. . So what's your goal of programming?
Most of those who enter the programming field enter it for two goals that are not third to them.. And they. :

Enjoy programming because you find it fun and you love the challenges ( This is where you're called Ahawi. )
The desire to be professional and to take programming as a business (It's called a pro here. )

Programming languages are difficult and professional and easy and simple but unprofessional, i.e. if you are an ani, you have to choose the most easy programming language that provides you with all the requirements of programming simple programs only according to your abilities and circumstances (Your free time. ) If you want professionalism, you have to choose challenging, professional software languages that enable you to deal with different flexible and solid computer components, and through which you can program anything that comes to your mind from your qualifications and your time is ticking.
As for the software languages that amateurs recommend, they are : Vb6 – Pascal – Go – Windev
Although there are some who will oppose me about Windev because it's a simplistic language more than a hobby language.
Professional software languages that contain high technology : C++ C Delphi C# Java
And other languages.
Now if you're an amateur, you only have two code programming options. (Pull tow ) I'm going to take you to the back of
Vb6 And if you want professionalism follow the third standard .

What kind of software do you want to program?
We talked in the first type about the item, but now we're going to talk about what kind of software you want to program.
The programs are many types we find on the computer games and office programs and applications and programs management programs and protection programs and many other things
Depending on the type of software you want to program, your language is determined.
If you want to practice in the gaming industry, you have limited options of C# and +C and Java this does not mean that other languages can not make games, but these languages are professional in the gaming industry Val+C Mt. provides you with a perfect deal with the OpenGL for the gaming industry, and you can choose any language from the degree of difficulty, if you want more difficulty directed to +C and less C+ and Java
With the difficulty relationship to the extent of professionalism .

If you are making regular office applications such as currency conversion software, pdf reader program and many other applications, there is enough software to do so efficiently, but Java will be the most convenient option for management programs, i.e. corporate, schools, libraries and others – Cracking, compression, encryption, handling of computer components and other very professional functions, the best option would be a professional language such as C or L+C, although these two are also enabling you to make a variety of office programs. – For simple management and application, but the degree of difficulty makes making ordinary programs such as these programs difficult and normal at the same time .



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